Hello, My name is Charles. I have been making traditional kilts for about seven years. Just found this website about a week ago and have learned much from my kilted brothers. I recently started making fashion kilts about 10 months ago. My family hails from the Bruce(the bastard side) and MacPeak family's. I spent 8 years in the Marine Corp traveling the world and found a great kilt maker that taught me the finer points of making traditional 8 yard kilts. Upon meeting him I lived with his family for 6 months learning all I could. There was a serious language barrier but the more I was around him the better I was able to understand what he was saying. I really had no idea that anyone was as passionate about not wearing pants as I was so I am glad I found this website. I don't make traditional kilts anymore due to the time factor, and sell non-tartan fashion kilts as a hobby. My website is still in development but feel free to look around www.alphakilts.com If you need any belts I have a partnership with a leather smith that makes the best handmade belts in the Midwest. My personal philosophy is quality will always outshine quota.