Ann and I have been away for that last break of the 2007 season - along the Solway Coast beyond Ferintosh to Scotland's south western extremity, the Mull of Galloway.
This is the southernmost point in Scotland.
Latitude 54 degrees 38 minutes North.
The foghorn on the Mull of Galloway
The view from the foghorn
Looking back up from the foghorn to the lighthouse.
A closer view of the lighthouse, designed by Stevenson and completed in 1830.
From the car park looking north-westwards along the peninsula.
Port Logan
Near Port Logan are the Logan Gardens, in the grounds of Castle Balzieland, a mediaevel stronghold of Macdouall.
Only one wall of the castle remains and has been incorporated into the walled garden where palms and yukkas thrive in the mild air currents from the gulf stream.
More to follow shortly.