Well, I have been staying at the Dearborn Inn (Dearborn, MI) this week while taking some classes. Do to the nature of my business I have behaved and worn slacks (yuck) to class. Howver, once I get back to the hotel it is kilt time. It has been fun to see the reactions and field the questions. So far nobody has asked 'the question, but most of the questions have been if I play the bagpipes or if I am here for a convention. One employee at the hotel has been really great about me wearing the a kilt. One evening when I was speaking with this employee another guest came up and asked me why I was wearing a quilt. Before I could begin to answer the hotel employee came back, "He wears a kilt because that is what he prefers to wear." You had to be there. I do think that this guest was going to dig at me, but the hotel employee shut him down, now.