Hey Dai Uy – This is for you.

I just got back from the base PX, and it reminded me of some things that happened to me at least 30 years ago.

The Pendleton PX has two parking lots and both have steps leading up to the main PX which is set on a sort of plateau. I remember that I was a Gunny at the time, so I know it was around 30 years ago.

I had just reached the top of one set of steps, and started across to the main PX when a voice says “What’s wrong Marine? Don’t you salute Officers?”

I turned towards the sound of the voice with my arm going up into a salute, a sincere apology forming in my mind. Then, I identified the speaker, and dropped my hand without completing the salute.

I replied “Yes, I salute Officers. When they are driving, I can identify them by the color of their base sticker. When they are walking, I identify them by their rank insignia that they wear on their uniform.” (emphasis on the word uniform)

With that the unidentified individual glanced down at his clothing, realized that he was in civilian clothes, and promptly turned a bright color of red, mumbled a soft “Oh, sorry, Gunny.” And walked away.

L laughed about this for several days.

Not less than a week later, at the top of these same steps ( as a good Gunny, I tried to visit the PX at least once a week!) I approached a L/Cpl who had just ignored a 2nd Lt. By failing to salute. I used the same phrase “What’s wrong Marine? Don’t you salute Officers?”

At which time, both the Lt and the L/Cpl turned and saluted me.

I stood there amazed for a fraction of a second and then returned their salute, muttered “Carry on.” -and walked away, shaking my head.

I still have to grin remembering.