Bradley, I'm sorry man but I've just got to top your story.
I'm fresh back from my first tour in Nam and sitting in the bus station in San Diego. There are these big picture windows and I'm sitting there watching normal people when across the street, out of a bar come about 5 or 6 Marines.
Two seconds later from out of another bar come 5 or 6 Sailors. The two groups are walking towards each other. The looks are flying and you can just tell all H**l is going to break loose, and I've got front row seats.
The Marines and Sailors get to within 20 feet from each other when out of the bar in the middle come 5 or 6 Airmen.
The poor boys in blue never knew what hit them. Wham, from both sides. It was all over in seconds. No one seriously hurt but as the Marines and Sailors stroll down the street as one happy bunch the looks on the faces of the Airmen was worth the price of admission.
I just sat there and laughed myself silly for three hours.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.