OK, I did something last night that I'm not proud of. I let myself be caught up in the moment. If a man is enough of an individual to wear a kilt shouldn't he be able to show some self control; giving in to lust shouldn't be a problem, but I faltered.

I thought I was strong enough; I never considered that I could be swayed by looks, but I was. I didn't think I could be lured, but I was. Or was I? Maybe it's not fair to say I was lured, that's a cop out. It places my responsibility on someone else and right now I should be taking responsibility.

So now I'm ashamed and several hundred dollars poorer. I haven't told my wife; I can't tell my kids. I'm sure my wife will figure out something is wrong. I know I must look guilty I can barely look her in the eyes. It's only a matter of time before she starts asking questions; I can't avoid her until I forget.

Why did I do it? I don't know. Looks, lust..who knows. Maybe I was looking to be young again. To remember what it was like to be single and childless...when being a little selfish didn't really affect anyone. I just don't know. What do I do now, confess? hide it? what?

I realise looking at this that it is probably obvious, but in case you don't know what I'm talking about...I bought an iPhone...and now I have to live with it.