This was posted on another forum, passed on from a member after speaking with Ellen from the TT:

Everything was in the 'Burb and the trailer. All their equipment. Their recording gear. Their instruments. Ian and Meg's costumes for the History of the Kilt bit. Pete's club. Their pirate coats. About three thousand CDs. And the Christmas gifts they'd bought, including a framed Civil War newspaper Meg'd just won at auction. Most was stolen, some was just burned. The 'Burb was stripped of everything that could be sold-- seats, everything-- then torched, so we're talking chop shop, not some random kids looking for a joyride. The Haulmark trailer is just gone. Sequel was dumped by the side of the road, and a very lovely lady happened to find him, take him in, clean off his poor paws, and call the number on his tags.

Ellen said they do have PayPal, and can take credit card donations, but she's not sure of the mechanics thereof yet. Todd's going to try to set that up today. I told her the Wenches and the whole PARF family very, very much want to help, and to please call me as soon as they have something, and I'll spread the word. It'll also be on their website. I also told her to have Meg call me with her measurements, and I'll have a corset for her.

They do have insurance, but they're loath to use it because they're terrified of how their rates will skyrocket. But they also have a big show coming up, and no gear. No artist can afford to take a $100,000.00 hit, and this is one of our own.

Please feel free to crosspost this if you think it'll help!