Well, this pic didn't turn out as well as expected BUT.....
My Partner had his Deaconite Ordination today (on his way to the Priesthood) and here is a pic of us just after the conclusion of the ceremony. I'm looking more than a bit rumpled as the festivities were just over three hours long and I was a participant. I'm wearing a black Argyll jacket, black shirt, black hose, black garter ties, black shoes, silver tie and XMarks kilt. (Five yard knife pleat ala Matt Newsome.) The kilt seems askew, the tie knot is sideways and I really AM smiling and don't even ask about the sporranbut it was a VERY nice ceremony. I'm very proud of him and despite the fact the I look like I belong in the "don't s" thread I wanted to share.
At least now we're BOTH un-bifurcated.
For those of you curious a silver tie works very welll with the XMarks tartan.