Don't Wait!
Well, here's the story-
I recently woke up in the middle of the night, feeling 'not myself'. I had missed about a month of work first from a sinus infection then from a uncooperative back so I was stressed out.
This stress translated itself into a uncomfortable tightness in my chest. I have asthma so I know what an asthma attack feels like. This was different. I could get my breath but this tightness persisted.
My Significant Other took me to the hospital and they went bonkers over me, finally ending up admitting me after doing a 'nuclear scan' (thallium) of my heart. All this time, the Dr. attending me had me at death's door, a walking time bomb in her estimation. I kept trying to see if the Angel of Death Uriel was making the rounds with her.
After sitting around for the weekend in a room, they sent me for a Cardio Cath procedure. This showed a few % narrowing of 1 artery. The Cardiologist gave me a thumbs up and now I'm home, tired and trying to recuperate.
Moral of this story-
Don't follow my lead-if you 'don't feel right', DO NOT WAIT to go to the emergency room! Minutes can mean the difference between life and death.
Take care of yourself, especially if your family has a history of heart disease (like mine). I was told that the circumstances of the treadmill nuclear test was the reason that they sent me for the cardio cath.
(I had just two hours sleep in 20 hours before doing the treadmill and my heart rate wouldn't hit 145 [it made 138 tops]. I also didn't make the last 2 minutes at a run, either. I crapped out at 1 minute 30 seconds. I was just too tired to take the test, really)
Finally-Talk with your Dr. about making your lifestyle healthier. I doesn't hurt to be healthy.
OK, for those that smoke/drink- I quit but I'm not gonna preach to you. Maybe you could 'cut back' a little. Skip that last beer before bedtime or that last smoke at night. All it takes is a little reduction to make a big difference.
Anyway, I'll cut this one short. I'm getting tired again. I still need my rest.
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump