Yesterday was another day of pints and pilgrimmages for the NYC/NJ kilted rabble. Gathering at Stout Pub across from Penn Station, MIKNY, a kilted acquintance of his (Dwayne, I believe), Galician and I were the first to arrive.

A friend of Galician attempted some hijinks with MIKNY and Keith A., who was clearly nonplussed...

The obligatory group shot.
L to R: Galician in Clergy, BlkWater in weathered Stewart, MIKNY in Ross, Dalmore in American Heritage, Me (Cirthalion) in Maple Leaf (standing next to him in cross-border harmony), Keith A. in Allison, Andrew in Black Watch.
The NYC Kilted Krew: Don't Mess with Us....

Okay, you might be able to mess with some of us...

Eventually we took a walk up to Rockerfeller Center to see the tree, which was lit this time.

Galician and I were clearly amused with it.

And my wife and I posed for the obligatory Christmas card shot.

On the way home, after many pints, I tried to stop in to the offices of the Wall Street Journal to deliver a professorial, anti-capitalist rant, but they locked me out...

Needless to say, it was a good night for the NY/NJ crowd. Anyone who will be in the area next weekend, keep your ear to the ground for a possible Hoboken pub crawl...

-- Cirthalion