Thanks guys for the feedback.
The photo isn't dated but a guess maybe 1914/15.
I use the Colour replacement tool in Photoshop I find I have more control and the colours can be very translucent which works on B/W images, less is more.
I spent around 3 to 4 hours on it but its only the second one I've ever done, so once I get hand & eye in maybe I could be a liittle faster.
Archangel I take your point about the muting the kilt colours down, I was trying to distinguish between the Argyll & Sutherlanders Gov Sett and the Black Watch Gov Sett, Arygll being a shade lighter than Black Watch, but I shall have a tweak and tone it down a little.

I shall post another image later, I'm having a few problems with my computer,
So bear with me.