Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
As the instigator of this thread I also agree, but would just warn you of how complicated a process this might be. I'm currently trying to get New York City to adopt officially the tartan given to it by the Scottish Weavers Association. Oy, the red tape!!

Now add to this the fact as to which central authority would one go to get formal accceptance of it. The Chasidim?

Besides, there's an old joke about decision making. Put four Jews in a room, and they'll come out with six positions.

So be prepared for quite a bit of arguing, whoever takes this on.
Not trying to steal your thunder, you are definitely the instigator of this thread!!!

And, I am certainly not saying that I am up to the close to insurmountable task described...I definitely recognize the challenges!!! However, I will gladly jump on the coattails of anyone so inclined!