Strange Christmas presents...
As some of you know, I have had a cataract in my right eye for some time now. It finally 'went' a few years ago, making me essentially blind in that eye.
I've had to postpone the surgery twice, the latest because of a scare over my heart which proved to be nothing.
So I had surgery yesterday, the 26th. A late Xmas present. This morning brought the removal of the eye patch and the fun of having to get used to a new outlook on things. It's not in focus real well and I am still seeing the reflection from the implant which is weird to say the least.
All of this comes at a time that I am under a tight deadline to edit a 112,000 word novel. Oops. My bad.
So, here I am, resting my eyes the hard way sharing this with all of you.
BTW, the 12th of January we move to new digs across town. Wee!
So as you see, I received some strange presents this year!
Happy Holidays!
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump