Well, I went out today to see just how good the vision really was.
You have to take into account that before the surgery, I couldn't see the chart from 1/2 distance. In fact, I really couldn't see the physical chart (one of those jobs on a stand that are backlit). Vision was nothing-light/dark was about the limit of it.
I went out last night with the Significant Other, noting that I could see much better and the night blindness was essentially gone.
Today's trip proved that I can see significantly better and I feel 'safe' about driving again.
Don't get me wrong, that eye is still blurry and straight lines don't look straight at all (that's strange!?!
) but the vision is improving.
"There's no such thing as magical ponies!"
Statement made by pink winged pony
with crossed axes tattooed on her rump