Quote Originally Posted by bjproc View Post
this is the email i got, it comes out at $189

We would recommend testing the Y-DNA 37 markers to determine if there are other males in the database who may have shared a recent common male ancestor (matches on 12 markers may not reflect a recent common male ancestor being shared). This may help determine what the possible surname of your grandfather on your father's father's...father's line may have been.

I recommend testing through the Adoptees project. Even though you yourself were not adopted, you do not know the surname for the direct paternal line. This group will allow you to order the 37 marker test at the group rate but compare the results to the entire database. Any matches that are found will be shown to you on a personal page. We will show their name and email address so you may contact them to determine if they lived in the same area as your grandfather or his family.

Your mother's surname is not the group that you would want to test with nor is your father's mother's since the Y-DNA test follows the father's father's father's...father's line and matches that are found on Y-DNA will have shared a common male ancestor with you in the past.

Have a nice day,

Catherine McDonald
Family Tree DNA
Thanks for posting this. I didn't know that FTDNA had a project for adoptees. I will pass this own to two adopted friends who are interested.