Greetings everyone, and THANK YOU ALL. I have been wearing a Great Kilt for several years now, Wallace of course, < the honors of bloodright> but only to events like Highland games and Fairs and suchlike.

After checking out your site and looking at the USA Kilts and UtiliKilt advertisements I determined that this was not outside my realm of capability. I am a stonecutter, woodcarver, and occasional leatherworker. I found usable instructions, great ideas and much help and good cheer as I worked on my first Kilt. It is forest green, Cotton/Poly twill, and I finished it last night. I dont think I could have done it without this site and the folks here. ( Pictures forthcoming. )

I already have several improvements in mind for the next ones. I plan on making a set, in the following colors and materials. Blue Demin with contrasting gold thread, antique brass snaps and hidden pockets, Canvas is an odd case, I found "Sueded", "Brushed" and " Peach" canvas, in khaki, black, light tan and chocolate. This fabric is medium weight < I am thinking 8 to 10 oz. maybe> and soft as butter. Not that any of you burly studly fellas would wear anything but horsehair or some such. <ebil grin> But I am not a big "chafing" fan. Soft, tough, wrinkle resistant, and easy to workwith and care for is what I am after.

Please Forgive the rambling post. I am just excited about the whole thing. Thank you all again.