Quote Originally Posted by BoldHighlander View Post
The same thing has more or less happened with the newer Dress Mackay tartan:
it was designed by the US branch of the Mackay clan, who have attempted to get our Chief, the Lord Reay, to recognize it but have yet to get any response from him, so it was registered with the STA as an unofficial and a corporate tartan of the Clan Mackay Society, USA.
I don't get the whole idea of individuals (either corporate or sole) thinking they can invent "new" clan tartans without first asking for the chief's approval.

Is this strictly a USA thing? I mean I don't blame Reay one bit for not responding. How do you politely respond to the affront of being told "We don't like your family tartans all that much, so we've designed a new one. Now approve it." I think Reay deserves a medal for forbearance.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me in the matter of ignoring one's Chief when deciding to "create" clan traditions-- like tartans. I just don't get it.