Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
That's men for you. My wife throws things in a pan, while I measure out. That said, her cooking is v good.

Look forward to seeing the end result. What tartan have you chosen, if any?

BTW I like your new avatar - kinda classy.
Yeah, I have issues with things being exact, or rather, I don't have enough issues with them to be exact.
I have no Idea what tartan, probably just whatever non-registered I find at Hancocks. I just want the pretty swishy pleats more than anything.
The avatar is something an acquaintance made, it is the crest of the Ahnk-Morpork guild of Knitters. The words are... Exsisto quietis, Ego sum duco which is bad latin for, "Be quiet, I'm counting." Very geeky, but I am a geek.