
To start I am a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently stationed in Iraq and had sometime to look up my families ancestry while I am here. I found out that my family is 25% German, 25% Irish, and 50% Scottish. I have always been interested in trying out wearing a kilt, but was afraid to because I did not know my ancestry. Now I do and I have no fear in wearing one... except for the fear of my hire command.

We have to keep up a military apperence even in civilian attire. Even though I wear mostly whatever I want on my time off... I still am trying to figure out if it will be frowned appon on base or my command. I have looked all through our codes of conduct and only thing I can find they might try to get me with is... I hate to say it cross dressing. But wearing a kilt is not cross dressing! Is there any former or current military members out there that can give me advise?

Thank you
Cpl. Davenport USMC