After what seems a millenium, I'm pleased to say were back properly on line. Apart from other matters one of the main reasons I have not posted for so long is our computer virtually packed up, making access to x marks and the net in general, virtually impossible. Anyhow, we now got a different computer.
So wats we been up to since I last posted .. well Elaine's dad is not very well so that takes up quite a bit o time, but we still are able to get out walking n pub crawling, caving as often as we can. The folk club we run is going from strength to strengh each month.
Our close friends husbands are away working for 2 weeks so we have been looking after their better halves and taken em out for some meals.
Here's me catching a quite mo before heading off later to an mexican restaurant

In the Mexican ... they give you hats to wear with your meal !

And this was in a Chinese a couple of nights before .... I must say they are all loyal Cilt/Kilt supporters.

Its great to be back on line and at x marks again .. Its the St Davids Parade this Sat, so I'll take lots o pics from the parade and the pub and post em in the pics section on the weekend.
Iechyd Da