Well for those who missed it (which was pretty much everyone but JayFilomena and I), a great time was had by all. We met up at the Capital Alehouse @ Innsbrook in Richmond, Va on last Saturday the 1st of March. If you have the chance to stop by this fine establishment, I would. If you like/love beer, this place is for you. I love beer. My wife accompanied me, in the Xskirt she made based on the Xkilt pattern (this was before the Xskirt pattern was available) and I was my grey cotton Xkilt (that she made for me ). I didn't take many pics because I left my camera in the car and was having too good a time to leave for it, also the pics we did take didn't come out very well, so no big loss. Hopefully Jay will be able to add a couple. On to the pics:

L to R: djweso(myself), JayFilomena, & Jay's friend Gordon in a borrowed kilt

Check out the notes on Flickr
(all you have to do is point your mouse at the pic, the notes will show up and then point at the notes to read them).

My wife and I (sorry its out of focus, the camera had a hard time with the low light in the bar)

Check out the notes on this one too.

Hopefully there will be a few more of us next time. But even if not, I bet we'll have a good time.

I posted other pic of my trip to Richmond in a separate thread.

The threads discussing this Kilt Night are here, here, and here.