Hello Everyone!

I've owned a kilt for just about 7 years now. My father is Scottish-American (via Nova Scotia), my mother full Scot, born and raised in Ayr. I picked up my kilt (the entire highland dress, actually) in Scotland after getting engaged in Inverness in 2001 so I could wear it for my wedding. That went over well, and I've found quite a few reasons to wear the kilt since then, mostly casually, although I have donned the whole gear for weddings and Burns suppers from time to time.

I still have questions now and then about kilts, and it's hard because there are no local kiltmakers here and most tailors are rightly afraid to touch an already-made kilt. Luckily I stumbled across this place in the course of doing an internet search, and it's already been a big help. I look forward to using it as a resource and getting to know some of you in the process.
