I finally finished up one of the kilts that I've had "on promise" for months. You see, there's a faculty member in my building who marches to the beat of a different drummer. Actually I think ALL the faculty march to the beat of exceedingly different and individual drummers, but Stuart stands out. He's not shy. He's a good scientist and does a good job with his grad students and postdocs, as well as being a great Dad (pics of the kids all over his office) but still. Stuart is different. Stuart has attitude.

If ANYBODY in this building has the cajones to wear a kilt to work besides me, it's Stuart. So I made Professor Stuart Kim a kilt.

Voila, the way2fractious tribute kilt, #1. Pity there's no pleat shot. We took one, I'll have to extract it from the lads upstairs.

Kiltie and Kiltmaker