My very fist kilt, years ago, was an 8 yard, 11oz. custom-made kilt.. I still have it and I love it.This kilt has served me well over the years and I have acquired other kilts of the same yardage and weight. I also have 6 13oz. 8 yard kilts and I love them too. My 11oz. kilts and 13oz. kilts are all comfortable during the year - though the 13oz. kilts can be a bit warm in the hot summer months. I don't own any 16oz. kilts because I assumed they would be too hot in the summer. Would this hold true? How comfortable are other folks in their 16oz. kilts during the warmer months?

What are the benefits of 16oz. over 11oz. and 13oz. kilts? I ask because advice from you folks may help me open up some options.