I'm not really sure where this thread should be so I thought it safe to post in off-topic, please move if needed.

I find myself wanting a cape. I don't know much about capes, there are probably several types, but what I want is a cape that is about knee-length and has a mantle that comes down to about mid-arm.

I'm planning to buy a sewing machine and make this a project. This will yield three things:
1) The satisfaction of making something myself
2) Obtaining a cape from the materials and style I want
3) Sharpening my sewing skills

The material I had in mind was 13 or 16 ounce wool in dark green or black. I would think adding two large box pleats in the back would allow for movement.

Has anyone made a cape? Are there any pictures I can look at for inspiration? Anyone have any advice for me?