Well I live in two worlds: the world where I am a student and must function among everyday people without too many odd looks. There I look much like any other college student. If you don't notice the year round knit hats, rubber boots most days, or other odd details. I don't own anything tartan or dress up nicely in any way. not when I can help it. On the other hand, Yeti likes dressing nice.

The other world is 18th century reenacting. I tend to go the whole nine yards and try and be as much of a perfectionist as I can be, i'm not totally there yet but I am honestly more comfortable and at home in these clothes than I am any other time.

That's me in the purple. If I don't look totally comfy that's because I'm standing in 90F sunshine in a fashion show and I've been forced to not only wear my poor woman leather stays, but my wool jacket over them.