I have mentioned the same thing in the past. I had the idea to get myself a one button Eaton jacket, put a silver thistle button on it, and wear it with my kilts. I was shot down, so I decided not to get the jacket. The more I look at Eatons, the more I like them. Why is not acceptable to wear one with a kilt? They look like the right length. From the history I've read on them, they started out as full formal tailcoats, with the tails hacked off. So it would seem to stand to reason that they should be acceptable as formal attire. So you know what? I think I'm going to get one. It wouldn't be appropriate for weddings, I don't think, but for most other occasions that aren't strict black tie? I'll get an inexpensive and post pictures for critique.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.