This scenario has happened to me on countless occasions….

After a gig and usually at the reception afterwards, I’m approached by an attendee who has comments/questions regarding Highland dress, bagpipes, or something related. Half the time this person knows just enough to be dangerous. They ask what ‘plaid’ I’m wearing, or if that’s a ‘dirk’ in my sock, etc. Surely you’ve experienced it too.

The other 50% seems to have a reasonable grasp of Highland dress & lore and often a conversation ensues.

This is what’s somewhat peculiar to me….
Even the informed have almost no concept of the Highland Clearances. I presume Xmarkers are better informed and are aware enough of the subject to discuss it intelligently.

I’ve found it contradictory that so many take such button-busting pride in our tartans and garments, yet few have such little knowledge of the Clearances. When I studied it at depth, I wasn’t quite as enthusiastic about donning my tartan as I was prior.

Is this just a peevish point of mine, or do yall come across the same? The history of Scotland is absolutely extraordinary, seemingly every square foot is soaked in it. It behooves us to have a grasp of this horrible portion as well.

Slainte yall,