being requested as the photographer
Yesterday I was informed that the SGM (Sergeant Major) wants me to take pictures at the ball.
I am sending this out to the Division NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge), this is why I hate my office, we are the first to be volunteer to do dog and pony shows, etc... RANTING!!!!
The soldiers that elected not to attend the ball were also told yesterday that they would be attending, but would be wearing WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the First Gulf War uniforms and be in the opening and closing ceremony. This is supposed to be something fun, it’s a ball not a dining in. I am so irritated!!!!! Just one year and three months to retire.
MSG Jackson,
I appreciate the offer of being requested as the photographer for the 2008 Signal Ball; however, as a paying participant and possibly not attending the ball alone I would be remiss of my duties to my potential date and co-workers (Ms. Mendoza) if I held the responsibility of taking pictures. Furthermore, I will likely be very inebriated and my ability to operate a camera will be greatly hindered to say the least. In closing, my attire at the ball will also not be conducive to being a photographer.
SSG Rogerson
Kwajalein Atoll, Republic Marshall Islands