So, my girlfriend's senior prom is in two weeks. I will, of course, wear my PC and kilt. The problem: which one?

As I have absolutely no eye for this, I humbly request your kind assistance.

My girlfriend will wear a dress, purse, and shoes in a colour she describes as "Either ‘Apple’ or ‘Wine.’”*

So, which kilt do ye of good eye for colour recommend?

1) SWK heavyweight saffron
2) SWK standard MacLaren
3) Frugal Corner 16 oz. Clarke/Clergy
4) Frugal Corner 13 oz. Buchanan

I would like to wear the saffron one, since that's the wool one, but I somehow suspect it won't match really well. As I said, I've no eye for these things.

*<rant> “Apple” and “wine” aren’t colours! They’re objects of commusption! Like “peach”! Just call it “dark red,” for Pete’s sake! </rant>