First: Hello and a warm from Boston, Massachusetts. I have been wearing the kilt all my life. Wearing the kilt is a natural for me. My sons (adopted) took to the kilt after going to enough pipe concerts, Ren-faires, and other Scot oriented activities with me. It took many for the oldest one. After being the only kids in jeans at a couple of events, they warmed to the kilt at these events ONLY for quite some time. After a while they started wearing the kilt to family gatherings, then the youngest tried out as a drummer for a pipe band....then he wouldn't get out of the kilt! When the younger one started wearing the kilt to school with plenty of reinforcement from his dads, the older one jumped right in not wanting to be outdone by his brother. Be patient. The sibling dynamic will work it all out after a time.

Great deal.. I am happy for your sons experiencing the kilt at an early age. It will be a natural for all time.