Well, I have taken the plunge. I ordered Barb’s book, which by the way I highly recommend, whether you’re going to make your own kilt or just want to know what a “good” kilt should look like. I was able to find some “plaid” at one of the fabric stores here in Richmond that I thought would be good for a “practice” kilt.

This is my progress so far, and I rather like the fabric. It is about 10 oz wool and may make a nice looking summer kilt.

Here are a few thoughts thus far:
1. Getting the pleat size for pleating to the stripe was not that difficult, sewing it was another matter. As Barb says in her book, you have to keep the pleat pulled taught as you sew.
2. It’s quite easy to rip a seam out when not sewn correctly.
3. I basted the lower portion of the pleats as I went along because it made things easier to keep organized as I went along.
4. In hindsight, I do wish I had started with “good” fabric.

I’ll post more progress photos as I get the pleating done and move on to the next steps.