tartans in kilts
It is very hard to know what a tartan will look like in a kilt...you get this one shot of a small section of the tartan, showing the set and thats all.
I'd like to see any number of identified tartans made up into kilts...front and especially the back view...but especially some of these:
Isle of Skye, Marton Mills
Macdonald of the Isles modern Hunting, particularly Marton Mills
Stewart Hunting modern, Marton Mills
Scottish Heritage STA 4107 Marton Mills again
If any of you have kilts made up in these tartans I would appreciate seeing the fabric as a kilt.
And the more I think about it the more I wonder if a thread that is devoted expressly and entirely to showing identified tartans as made up kilts isn't a good idea....?
DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
In the Highlands of Central Oregon