Today at the Milwaukee Highland Games, I attended the "History of the Kilt" demonstration. Bad idea. I sit down, and half of it is demonstrating how to put on a great kilt and the other half is talking about the history of the kilt. Here's a few gems that he shared with the audience:
-Kilts have been worn for thousands of years by the Celtic ethnicity
-The kilt was banned in the 16th century, only to be repealed 150 years later
-Prima Noctis was used to "breed out" the Celts (he actually referenced Braveheart on this one!!!)
-The Romans built Hadrian's Wall because of the Celts fearsome fighting, where they would remove their kilt and fight naked
...and many more. I felt a mix of despair and panic. Despair, because this guy has been active the Scottish community for decades and still falls prey to myths and legends, and panic because the audience was soaking it up as Gospel.

Luckily, the rest of the Games were much more pleasant, save for the tornado that cut it short. Photos to be posted tomorrow.