A devastated Mid-America
The following is an excerpt from a posting on the Theatre Organ List that I participate in........

Originally Posted by
Darren Ferreter, President
Cedar Rapids Area Theatre Organ Society
As many have seen on the national news, the Midwest is being beat to death by tornado's and flooding in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
As of 8pm Central time in Cedar Rapids we are very much in anticipation of what is considered a "500 year" flood. Massive evacuations in river surrounding neighborhoods, bridges with water lapping their sides and we have not reached the peak flood stage. This is to occur sometime Thursday evening into Friday morning.
I hope this doesn't happen and I do pray that no life is lost to any flooding!
Please, let's keep our Mid-America members and families in our thoughts
and prayers. For that matter, All residents in the area need our prayers.
I just wanted to bring everyone here an update on the storm damaged
Mid-America. Also, check out cnn.com and look at the tornado damage
that went through an occupied Boy Scout Camp. 93 people including 25 adult advisors
were at the camp when a tornado ripped it appart. The scouts ranged in
age from 13 years to 18 years old. There have been 4 confirmed deaths at the camp.
Names are being withheld pending notification of the families.
A Saddened Uncle Al
Duncanville, TX
Kilted Organist/Musician
Grand Musician of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Texas 2008-2025
When asked 'What's the occasion for the Kilt?'
I respond--'The occasion is F.T.H.O.I.' (For The H--- Of It)