Originally Posted by
... Also, I think bands like the Rolling Stones were much more influential on the evolution of rock than the Beatles. The Beatles were huge, but I don't think they were that great in terms of a rock n roll band, maybe they popularized pop, but not rock.
I would strongly disagree with you regarding the Rolling Stones influence. Please don't get me wrong as I like the Rolling Stones, but their music has (to me) always been a continuation of the blues influenced rock of Chuck Berry and Bo Diddly (though some of their work shows a country influence ). In comparison The Beatles developed over time from a very similar begining to include a wide range of musical styles. Their later albums were pretty influencial on their contemporaries and later musicians
The Rolling Stones have some absolutely great songs but I really see them as carrying the torch of a classic blues based rock sound to the next generation instead of really changing or evolving that sound.
Just my thoughts
Last edited by Panache; 25th June 08 at 07:21 AM.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand