These photos are also posted in the original Games and Kilt Night "invite" threads but nobody seemed to notice so I'll give them the new thread they deserve (showing such nice threads!).

Bob (Bigdad1) donned his new Union Kilt (see the Union Kilts thread for discussion of the fit) and we set off for our very first Games.

We met up with Jay (James MacM) who was wearing a Matt Newsome box-pleat. Here he is chatting up a pipe band about their tartan.

Bob and I are members of Clan Donnachaidh -- here's the banner on parade, borne by my brother-in-law Garth Reid (president of So Cal chapter) in the green T-shirt.

We spent quite a bit of time watching the Games. I think I have a shot of Shriner in competition, but will have to look more closely. Here's one of the female caber tossers. Bob's take: "When she throws her boyfriend out, he stays thrown!"

And of course, the shopping. . . sad to say, one of the vendors had this on display. I understand he got kilt-checked more than once!

And Bob admired this kilt pin, so it became my two-year anniversary gift to him and is now his avatar (today's the day, BTW).

Later we met up at Hennessey's in Vista for a nice dinner and great conversation with Jay, 1OldSarge and his very nice lady (forgive me for letting her name slip from memory!), KiltedinUSMC, and Shriner. Here Shriner is trying to pay for his trip from Florida by showing some lovely fur sporrans. It looked like a drug deal out on the sidewalk! Around the circle that's OldSarge, his lady, Shriner, Jay, KiltedinUSMC, Bob, and a friend of Jay's (I think) in the ball cap.

Later the boys "did the Ham" for me.

That's all for now! Thanks again to Jay for organizing the kilt night, it was a great way to end a fun day.