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Sherlock Holmes first appeared in print in 1887. Queen Victoria last appeared on earth in 1901.
What Rex states is true. Holmes did first appear in the Beeton’s Christmas annual in 1887. Now among Sherlockians, there is a thing we call the “grand game”, this is where we believe that Holmes and Watson really did live and that Doyle was Watson’s literary agent. (yes we are a peculiar sort) In the context of the Game, Holmes career spanned from around 1882 to 1914. Holmes was more a product of Victorian England. (He even had a private audience with Queen Victoria in 1895 as stated in the Bruce Partington Plans. He also refers to her in another story as “the most gracious lady“)
For the Brett fans, every once in a while on E-bay there is a book that pops up about the production of the Granada series. I can’t remember the name of the book, but I will look into it.
Now so the Mods don’t rap me on the knuckles, I do have pictures of Edwardian Scots and their kits or lack there of!
Vista won’t let me use my scanner ,so I had to take pictures. Both are from the book “Scotch Whiskey “ it’s a wee history about the Scotch trade.
The first is of a group of Highlanders toasting the Duke of Rothesay at a Highland society dinner in 1872.

And this one is of a shooting group in Aberdeenshire in 1882.

Except for the top picture, the only other kilted photos I could find were of pipers. The second photo seems to have more common Victorian/Edwardian Scottish wear.
Who loves when the tow of her hobbies cross paths!!
"There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
~Christopher Morley