So here's the set-up: I have begun tutoring a family friend in German. I'm accepting payment, but it's not a great amount. It is, however, enough to purchase a nice Aran Sweater to complement my kilt. I know the KiltStore sells some nice looking hand-knit ones with an equally nice discount, but they are made in Scotland. I know that the Aran Islands haven't been making these sweater's all that long, but they're still an Irish symbol and I'd like to get one from there for some vaguely romantic reason. Has anyone bought an Irish hand knit aran sweater? From where? How did you like it? Inquiring minds want to know!

A side note: I'd prefer to buy from a place with a minimum on the blarney. I know this might seem a bit ironic, since these knits aren't exactly the ancient tradition most people claim. Still, I don't want to be told about my clan pattern or anything even more outlandish (One site felt the need to inform me that Babylon comes from the phrase meaning "Land of Wool"; categorically untrue-it comes from "Gate of god/gods/a god's name")