The following is a description of MacMartin the Younger before a battle. I am trying to figure out if he was wearing a saffron kilt and/or marked with some other colors. I am doing research on the MacMartin clan before they joined with Cameron, and trying to reconstruct the tartan.

Here too is MacMartin the younger, rising high above his whole line. His dark locks hang around his face and cover his cheeks, and his eyes shine like the stars, while his neck rivals the white flowers. His father and a great force of dependants accompany him, and an illustrious company of his brethren in their ranks surround him on every side. He himself, in variegated array, advances with lofty mein. Thó garter ribbons hanging at his leg were dyed with Corycian saffron, and with the tint of the Syrian shell, as was his plaid. The crest of his helmet glows with floating plumes, and the trappings of his mounted powder horn gleam in shining brass. His sister had embroidered his tunic with the red gold, and a double line of purple went round his terrible shoulders.