Went on a trip to the local G Street Fabrics store for a 30% off sale. Man, that place is huge. I felt like a boy in a candystore. My friends and I got some (suiting) wool fabrics that I can sew into several x-kilts. The designs are mostly non-tartan plaid except for one that's a Black Watch. I'm not sure that they're worsted wool and I didn't catch the weight specification.
I went home and got on the weighing scale (digital), measured my own weight, got off the scale and then picked up the 8 yard double width wool and weighed myself again. Given the weighing scale errors, it came out to be 10 oz per yard. It is a lightweight wool but it drapes very nicely. We'll see how it comes out. I'm debating whether to make an X-kilt out of it or a knife-pleated kilt (and therefore I can use a lot more fabric for extra weight). There are some clearly stripes and what may seem to be a sett so I'll have to plan out the pleating style.
Maybe I can post a picture on here and get recommendations from you. Speaking of posting a photo - what's the typical way that you post pics here. I've always had to upload it to the "Me in My Kilt" section of the photo gallery. But I noticed that people have a lot of pics posted that are not in the gallery. I didn't want to junk up the gallery here with just any pictures. Any advice?
[edit]: never mind. i read the sticky on posting photos...
I also found a bright tartan wool fabric that doesn't have any tartan ID label on it. Can anyone identify this tartan? (If it is a registered tartan at all).