I've been here for 4 days, and I've already seen numerous kilts.

The Scarva Sham Fight is a recreation of the Battle of the Boyne and includes an Orange parade. This normally quiet 3,000 person town is flooded by 60,000 for the event, which included many pipe bands. Fun fact: Northern Ireland has more pipe bands than Scotland.

We got a reception dinner our first night there, and a piper was there to welcome us! Afterward I talked to him a bit. Nice guy with a great kilt! (Gordon weather, by the way)

While getting a tour of the Falls in west Belfast, I noticed this on the side of a Catholic primary school. Scouts in kilts! It can be done! I thought it was great, and I had to shre it with you guys.

If you're interested in the rest of my photos, or reading about my trip so far, check out my Picasa photo albums and travel blog. Warning: some material is not forum appropriate, so keep the blog and Picasa separate from X Marks, please.