So yesterday I finally finished making my very first kilt. It was also the largest sewing project I've ever done. I spent a total of about 12-15 hours working on it. Next time I'm sure I could get similar done in about 8-10 hours now that I know what's involved.

For those who were keeping tabs on my other thread about this kilt, I did end up tapering the fell by a few inches just in case. It still worked out.

I also went more for sturdiness than looks. I made sure all the seams and such were well sewed while trying to keep it looking decent. Used about a spool and a half of thread, about 3 yards of fabric and only cost me a total of about $20. There are no pockets as I haven't got around to making them yet.

Also, yes I know I'm fat

Anyway, on to the pictures!




On a side note, the place I usually host images is acting up ( so these are hosted on my Google Pages account (which is also where I host various small files).