31st July 08, 04:44 AM
Scene 7
Media Room, Great Hall of X Marks the Scot
Hank had gathered us all together again to discuss our options.
“Tell me again how this will go,” he said.
I answered him. “A small team will hop through the activated portal, find David, then bring him back through the portal when it’s opened the next day.”
“That sounds too easy; what can go wrong?”
“Unfortunately,” said Ms. Starling, “lot’s of things. The portal only remains open for a few seconds. There’s really only enough time to get a few people through safely. I would say three at the maximum. That allows just enough slack time to bring four back through when David is found.”
“Okay, small team, I’ve got it. What else?”
“Second,” Ms. Starling continued, “we don’t know where David might be on the other side. Hopefully, he’s camped out near where the portal dropped him. The portal seems to be opening in the same place each time. If he had to move for some reason, for instance a storm or something like that, we don’t know which way he will have gone. Plus, two days will have passed since he went through. A person can travel quite a distance in two days.”
“David’s location unknown, okay.”
“If this is truly an alternate Earth, as I believe, then there is no telling what that will mean. It could mean that everything is the same as our Earth, except the President always wears green ties. It could also mean that the Germans won World War II. We simply don’t know.”
“Unknown conditions on other Earth, got it,”
“And the final thing is that we don’t even know if the team can return.”
“Why not, can’t they just step back through the portal?”
“That’s what we’re all hoping, but it may not be the case. What if travel is only possible one way? If that is true, anyone who goes through will be trapped along with David. We don’t even know if the portal can be seen from the other side, let alone entered.”
Hank finished writing his notes. “Possible one way trip,” he said as he underlined this last note twice. “Okay everyone, you have all heard what may happen to any team that goes through. First question, do we even attempt this? If the team can’t return then I will have four people gone instead of just one.”
The Moderators all talked amongst themselves. Finally, Jamie turned back to Hank. “I think we should do it,” he said. “David is one of us and we can’t abandon him.”
“That’s what I figured you would all say. Now, who should go?”
“I will,” said Jamie.
Hank shook his head. “I don’t think so Jamie. We are already missing one Moderator. I can’t risk losing another. He looked at Jerry. “Likewise, Jerry, you can’t go. We need you to operate the machine.”
Jerry nodded and settled back into his seat. He had been about to raise his hand when Hank stopped him.
“I’ll do it,” I said.
Hank looked at me. “Are you sure Dave? You may not be able to come back.”
“I’m the most logical choice. I’m not a Moderator. And if I don’t make it back, Ms. Starling can run the team as well as I could, maybe better.” I looked over at her. “I’m sorry, but I need you to stay behind, especially if I don’t make it back. I will take two of my team with me. As we said, any more and we risk not getting everyone through.”
“Which two?” Hank asked.
I shook my head. “I have some ideas but I think I’ll let them volunteer. I will not order anyone on a one way mission.”
“Fair enough,” he said, looking at the others in my team. “Who wants to volunteer?”
As a unit, every member of my team stood and said “I will.” The only exception was Ms. Starling, who I had already disqualified.
“Well,” said Hank, “We obviously can’t use all of you. Mr. Dove?”
I stood and looked at my team with pride. “I expected no less from you all. That’s why I have already made my choices. Hopefully, this will be an easy in and out operation. Granted, we will need to spend a day. We won’t be taking a vehicle, so I will eliminate Ms. Falcon. Ms. Swan’s and Ms. Stork’s specialties are less likely to be needed, as I don’t expect to be doing much research. Plus, we don’t know how or even if any of their knowledge will apply on the other world. That leaves Ms. Hawk, Ms. Raven, and Ms. Thrush. They are all great at what they do and but I think the greatest assets for this operation will be strength and stealth, therefore, Ms. Hawk and Ms. Raven.”
“Very well,” said Hank. “You three get together whatever gear you will need. When do you want to do this?”
“We can be ready whenever the portal is ready. However, assuming the time is the same on the other side, I think we should wait until daybreak so we can look for David easier.”
“Right, dawn it is. Everyone will meet in the lab just before dawn.”
Last edited by davedove; 1st October 08 at 11:43 AM.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
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