I wanted to share a little bit of good news with you guys...

1. The new website is about 3/4 finished. Once it's just about ready, I'll provide you guys sneak peek. I'll ask you (IF you have spare time and want to) to check it out for any problems like broken links, spelling errors, other anomolies, etc. I'll run a contest for it as well so that your hard work will pay off for EVERYONE who participates... more on that later.

2. If I mention "Mac" or "Robert" up here in a post, or if you get a kilt from us and the "This kilt was made by" slip says "Mac" or "Robert", don't be alarmed... these are our 2 newest employees. Mac is a photographer and a re-enactor (WWII and Civil War) who has made "historical clothes" for himself and his friends for several years. He DEFINITELY knows his way around a sewing machine and is now working for us full time. Robert has been sewing for YEARS (about 30 years) and works at a sewing supply store. He's working for us part time, making kilts from his home. We're VERY happy to have them both working for us and their skills are up to par with Kelly and mine, so we don't have any concerns about quality. In fact... the "Storm trooper" kilt that man is wearing in the other thread was made by Mac.

FYI... Kelly and I are still sewing as well... I don't think she'll ever take that chain off my leg (the one that's attached to my sewing machine).

Well, that's all the good news I have to share. Thanks for continuing to support us, guys!