Hi ya'll! I've been hovering around here for a while but never posted. Now the time has come. It is a monumental occasion.
Now is the time for all good kilters to come to the aid of someone who is considering a DIY job! (drum roll)
Our family is fairly "expert" at all things kilt, we're experienced Scottish Country Dancers, one of us has a Montrose and one a PC... so we're not newbies to jackets.
But now we need another one for a friend. You can find them fairly cheap on eBay, but they're still pretty expensive and after all I've seen ya'll DIY, why can't I? Besides, this is a very small sized jacket we need, and they're harder to find on eBay (although the upside of that is that when you do find them, they're cheaper because not as many people want them).
So. Deep breath. Here is the candidate jacket for the Prince Charlie coatee.

It was some type of a woman's jacket (I've seen y'all do it!). As you can see it doesn't have tails in the back, but gee, it's cut away and has the correct lapels and everything! I think it would still look good (and as I've heard you guys say, that's all that's necessary- there is no Kilt Bible). After all, Montroses don't have tails and they look good...

I was gonna get one of these vests,


and replace all the buttons.

basically I think I just want a smile from someone before I get started... a bit nervous... first time and all...