Quote Originally Posted by georgeblack7 View Post
The name Trollope is derived from the place-name Troughburn, in Northumberland. Troughburn was originally Trolhop, meaning (in Norse) Troll Valley, and the earliest recorded use is John Andrew Trolope (1427-1461) who lived in Thornlaw, Co Durham
I was gonna dispute the etymology, then I realised that it was talking about the last name Trollope. Oops!

As for kilts, I prefer to wear mine above the knee . It's a personal choice (well, not entirely, that's also how my kilt fit best...), but I do think it looks better (or else I would lower it!). I remember when I first started wearing my kilt, I was afraid I was doing it all wrong, because the Scottish festivals were full of knee-covered kilties. I looked up a few historical paintings and drawings of kilts and soon felt relief.

Still, I definitely wouldn't consider someone wearing a longer kilt to be wrong, unless it was pretty low!