Well, today is a bittersweet day. I am ecstatically happy because, in less than 24 hours, I will be on a flight back to my wife.

However, my dog Pip failed his final fit-to-fly check today. I have spent all day trying to do whatever I possibly can but no kennels can take him for the time required and deal with his medical treatment AND get him on a plane when he is well.
And no one in my family can do that, either.
So, after a day agonizing over it I have finally had to accept giving him up for adoption.
He will stay with my Dad until Friday when he will be taken to a specialist rehoming centre that doesn't put the dogs down no matter what.

It is an incredibly sad time for me. He is a wonderful and much loved member of the family. But I trust the rehoming centre to care for him and find a family that will love him and care for him just as much.

With that said, I am off to spend some quality time with him before I leave this evening and I will be back online on Thursday.

Be well.