Quote Originally Posted by hospitaller View Post
Several weeks ago bought a very nice WWI Canadian Khaki Balmoral from www.glengarryhats.com and I am loving it.

Thing is, yesterday it was cloudy, slightly drizzy and cool, so I thought I would wear it, so I did.

Went to work with it, people loved it, it completes the look, now I understand why Panache and Glen love theirs so much.

Anyway, after work wife asked me to stop by the store and get some supplies so I did, and while there, a couple of military looking guys approached me to talk about the kilt and the look (one of them is a UK owner).

Then the conversation switched to how they were Army Rangers (there is a NG depot right across the store which is currently deployed to the sandbox) and they were wondering if I was one as well, and if not why was I wearing 'their beret'.

That took me by surprise because, the color of my balmoral is darker than the Ranger beret, my balmoral has a wool pompom, and I was also wearing my Clan badge in it.

So after telling them all of the above, they relented for a bit, all friendly but then they left me with this odd send-off:

'Be careful wearing that beret, it may get you in trouble'

I mean...c'mon...really?
I think some clearity is called for here. It's misguided attitudes like theirs that will get someone in trouble one day.