So I finally got all of my tools unpacked from the move and had a couple of afternoons to work on a wedding present (way late) for a friend of mine. He and his best man were kilted at the wedding and had the whole kit pretty much nailed. But neither of them had a sgian dubh to complete it. I aimed to kill three birds with one stone and give him a wedding present, help him finish off his kit....aaaand try my hand at making a proper sgian dubh.

I finished it last night, so I haven't had a chance to take any pics in natural light yet. I'll try and get some up today after work.

For your viewing pleasure.....

The little metal "pins" in the handle are finish nails that I epoxied in and filed flush with the wood.

It sits nicely in the hand, but is a little handle heavy.

I'm still very much a novice at this, so any comments or criticism are welcome.